8/11/2016 ACTION ALERT : Parks Department/ NYPD are Attempting to Deny Permits for 8/13 Rally - Please Tweet at & Call them Today !
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8/11/2016 ACTION ALERT : Parks Department and NYPD are Attempting to Deny Permits for 1st ever March against Gentrification, Racism, & Police Violence in Flatbush and East Flatbush on Saturday, August 13th 2016
Equality for Flatbush is asking progressive electeds & community members to please Call & Tweet at New York City Parks Department | Prospect Park Alliance and 78th PCT until the permits are issued !
Contact: Special Coordinator at Prospect Park Alliance at (718) 965-6979 and Community Affairs of the 87th PCT 718-636-6410
For use on Twitter & Facebook: FEEL FREE TO CREATE YOUR OWN TWEETS
Prospect Park Alliance Facebook Page
@prospect_park @NYCParks @NYPD78pc
@prospect_park & @NYPD78pct We Will Not Be Silenced! #issuethepermitsnow #Aug13 #ThisIsFlatbush #BrooklynIsNotForSale #NoEvictionZone
@prospect_park & @NYPD78pct DO YOU SUPPORT THE #DISPLACEMENT of #Flatbush Families & Elders? #issuethepermitsnow #Aug13
@prospect_park belongs to the people of #Flatbush & #EastFlatbush. #issuethepermits! #Aug13 #BrooklynIsNotForSale #ThisIsFlatbush
@NYCParks #ProspectPark belongs to the people of #Flatbush & #EastFlatbush. #issuethepermits! #Aug13 #BrooklynIsNotForSale #ThisIsFlatbush
@prospect_park #Gentrification & #policeviolence is an emergency for #Flatbush, #Brooklyn Issue the permits now! #Aug13 #NoEvictionZone
@prospect_park @NYPD78pct We have a right 2 rally 2 #SAVEOURHOMES #issuethepermits! #Aug13 #NoEvictionZone #Flatbush #EastFlatbush
@NYCParks @NYPD78pct We Have a right 2 protest #policeviolence & #racism #issuethepermits! #Aug13 #NoEvictionZone #Flatbush #EastFlatbush
@prospect_park @NYPD78pct We Have a right 2 protest #gentrification & #racism #issuethepermits! #Aug13 #BrooklynIsNotForSale
@NYCParks & @NYPD78pct WE have a right to protest #Gentrification, #Racism & #PoliceViolence #issuethepermitsnow #Aug13 #ThisIsFlatbush
@NYPD78pct WE Will NOT BE SILENCED! Issue the Permits for #Aug13 March against #PoliceViolence & #gentrification http://bit.ly/2b7EcQE
@prospect_park WE Will NOT BE SILENCED! Issue the Permits for #Aug13 March against #PoliceViolence & #gentrification http://bit.ly/2b7EcQE
@prospect_park @NYPD78pct We Have a right 2 protest #gentrification #issuethepermits! #Aug13 #BrooklynIsNotForSale http://bit.ly/2b7EcQE
For More Info : info@equalityforflatbush.org or call /text(646)820-6039
Background :
For Immediate Release: August 10th 2016
Contact: Imani Henry 646 342 9673
Parks Department and NYPD Attempt to Deny Permits for 1st ever March against Gentrification, Racism, & Police Violence in Flatbush and East Flatbush for Saturday, August 13th 2016
12noon Gather at 441 Flatbush Ave (The plaza near the intersection of Empire Blvd & Flatbush Ave) 1:30pm March
Equality for Flatbush (E4F) Launches Social Media and Call-in Campaign for 12 noon Thursday, August 11th to Demand that the Parks Department and the NYPD Issue Permits
On August 8th, an email was sent to Equality for Flatbush (E4F) by the New York City Parks Department | Prospect Park Alliance stating that they could not accommodate the August 13th permit request for the plaza at the corner of Flatbush Avenue and Empire Boulevard . Since June, E4F has been organizing for the 1st ever March and Rally against Gentrification, Racism, & Police Violence in Flatbush and East Flatbush. There are now over 50 endorsers. E4F, applied for the park permit on July 13th which is in compliance with the required 21-day notice if you expect 25 people or more for an event on park property. Equality for Flatbush also applied within 30 days for a sound permit with 78th PCT. The Park Department stated in writing that they would grant permit if E4F picked another park or chose another day. Equality for Flatbush has yet to receive a response from NYPD.
“This is an outrage. In the midst of a devastating housing crisis where rents in the borough of Brooklyn are surpassing some Manhattan neighborhoods, this is a slap in the face to the Flatbush and East Flatbush neighborhoods that are being destroyed by the callousness of our public servants who are in bed with the real estate developers.”, Mia Anderson, an activist with Equality for Flatbush. “We will not be silenced! We are asking all progressive elected officials and community residents to immediately call or tweet the Parks Department and NYPD demanding they issue each of our permits respectively.”
Equality for Flatbush is launching a 12 noon call-in and social media action on August 11th to demand permits and in support of March against Gentrification, Racism, & Police Violence in Flatbush and East Flatbush. People are asked to call the Special Coordinator at Prospect Park Alliance at (718) 965-6979 and demand a permit be issued for August 13th. The following tweet can be used on social media: Tell @prospect_park & @NYPD78pct We Will Not Be Silenced! #issuethepermitsnow #Aug13 #ThisIsFlatbush #BrooklynIsNotForSale #NoEvictionZone
Over 50 small businesses, community organizations, houses of worships and tenant associations, have endorsed the August 13th march and rally. Equality for Flatbush plans to file a legal in-junction if the permits are denied and will hold the August 13th rally as planned at 12pm noon regardless of the park permit. The group plans to march at 1:30pm through the communities of Flatbush and East Flatbush. EA Ireland, the attorney for Equality for Flatbush, said, “The freedom of a community to express its outrage at the state's abuse of authority is a right, not a privilege meted out at the convenience of bureaucrats. When so-called civil servants lose sight of this principle, that is when it is incumbent upon us to remind them just who it is they serve."
“Both the Parks Department and the NYPD have been culpable in the rampant harassment of community members ticketing them for everything from barbecuing to walking through the park after dusk. , said, Victor Moses, an activist with Equality for Flatbush and a member with the East Flatbush Cop Watch Team, “The Parks Department has no problem allowing the NYPD to en masse a thousand cops on the same plaza and use it as a staging area to deploy themselves into our neighborhoods during the Caribbean Day Parade weekend. But when community members that are currently facing one of the worst housing crises in the history of New York City want to protest the rampant gentrification and racial profiling, they are told to ‘choose another day and find another park’. We see this as emergency situation and demand permits be issued now!”
Endorsers March against Gentrification, Racism, & Police Violence in Flatbush and East Flatbush as of 8/10/2016 are: 441 Brooklyn Avenue Tenant Association, Anita Neal, the mother of Kyam Livingston ,The Audre Lorde Project, Bar Chord, Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), Black Lives Matter-NYC, The Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network (BAN), The Brooklyn Greenery, Brooklyn Laundry Social Club, Caribbean American Pride, Clayton’s All Nation Unisex Salon, Rev. Clint Miller of Brown Memorial Baptist Church, Collectively Free, The Crystal House Project of The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Derecho a Techo, Direct Action Front for Palestine, Domestic Workers United, Families for Freedom, The Family of Shantel Davis, Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE), The Free Black Women's Library, Fort Greene Peace, Grand Putnam
Tenants Association, Gratitude Cafe, Greater St. John's Baptist Church, Greenhouse Cafe, Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees, ICAHD-USA (The Israeli Committee against House Demolitions and Displacement-USA),Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ), Jus Fishy, The Justice Committee, Latisha "Tish" Bellamy-Maldonado, Flatbush resident and survivor of police violence, The Law Office of Abdula Greene, Mi Casa No Es Su Casa, Milk, Not Jails, The Mind Over Matter Collective, Movement to Protect the People (MTOPP), New Yorkers Against Bratton, NYC Solidarity with Palestine, NYC Trans Oral History Project , The Octavia Project, Pablo’s Diner, People's Power Assemblies, Right To The City Alliance, Sister Diaspora For Liberation, South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship and Training (SAFEST), Tabeel's Aromatherapy Gift Shop and Salon, Third Root Community Health Center, and UPROSE