Crown Heights/ Flatbush , New York, New York

The 332 Rutland Road Tenant Association demands that their landlord Isaac Pollack hire a Super by November 30th! Please sign their petition

Before It's Gone //Take It Back November 5, 2017

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Action Alert!

332 Rutland Road Tenant Association demands that their landlord Isaac Pollack hire a Super by November 30th!

Please sign and circulate their petition:

from the petition:

We the undersigned are supporters The 332 Rutland Road Tenant Association which is demanding that their landlord Isaac Pollack, hire a superintendent for the building. The tenants at 332 Rutland Road know their rights as rent-stabilized tenants, and under NYS law, demand accessible and qualified full-time superintendent to ensure the full and proper maintenance and sanitation of the building.

Isaac Pollack has illegally deprived them of their right to a superintendent for 9 years. Isaac Pollack’s refusal to hire a super has meant no access to emergency services during evening and weekends, in case of leaks, heat, hot water issues, or boiler room fires.

Only a proper, full-time superintendent can also ensure that proper garbage collection, garbage storage, and garbage disposal is available. Tenants agree that garbage disposal service in the building is poor, with garbage often piling up in front of the building. Garbage cans are often missing lids and bags, creating unsanitary conditions, and creating an environment that breeds pests.

Again, with winter rapidly approaching, which has historically meant the repeated lack of heat and hot water throughout the building, we demand that Isaac Pollack immediately hire a qualified super by November 30th, 2017.


For the full story on Isaac Pollack crimes against tenants especially against Black people in #Brooklyn

Video of notorious #Brooklyn slumlord #IsaacPollack disrupting a meeting of The 332 Rutland Road Tenant Association on 8/8/2017:


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