Upper West Side, New York, New York
Community Organizes 2nd Annual Protest Outside Alica Glen Deputy Mayor Of Housing's Apartment
Nadeem Salaam December 19, 2017
Alicia Glen is The Deputy Mayor of Housing and Economic Development.
In that role, she has consistently sold off NYC communities to developers and contributed to rising homelessness in NYC with policies that fuel gentrification. While low-income and elder New Yorkers of color live in fear of displacement, Alicia Glen lines the pockets of her real-estate developer friends.
In October 2017, there were 62,963 homeless people sleeping in NYC shelters each night, including 15,689 homeless families with 23,707 homeless children. Glen’s policies are directly adding to these numbers; fueling gentrification and displacement in low-to-middle income neighborhoods and communities of color. She defends our displacement as “change for the better” and dismisses community outrage as ‘fear of change’.
Only a Grinch could be so callous!
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#AllWeWantForXmasIsHousing #NoHousingNoPeace